Meet Larry on Feb 16 or 17, 2008 in PhilamLife

Signup now for the Feb 16 (or 17),2008 Cashflow Game & Seminar!

It's your chance to make that big FIRST STEP to becoming wealthy via Real Estate.
-Income and Sidelines are active income, Real Estate is really passive income.
-You need mentors and information before you can act in Real Estate.
-You need the confidence and experience of people who've done it before.

You need to be at the Think Rich Pinoy Feb 16 (or 17) Seminar and Cashflow 101 Game!
It's a Saturday or Sunday. You pick the day. Just be there. Text : 0915-499-1999 to get your slot or Email:

If you've attended before, and you want to attend again - there's a 50% discount off the ticket price.

Update: Larry will be announcing something else in the Seminars --something that will benefit any Pinoy who may not be in the Philippines -- so make sure you send a representative!

Want to know more? Join the mailing list on the right (enter your first name and email address).

P.S. Clarification, the Feb 17 is a repeat of the Feb 16 event. They are basically two identical sessions. If you can't make it on Feb 16, register for the 17th or vice versa.

We are only accepting around 100 per day so sign up now via 0915-499-1999 to get your slot or Email: